Friday, December 16, 2011

Lessons In December

Catch up on lessons:

Last week was a lesson on Meritage, and man, that was a wild ride. It started off pretty well, nothing untoward, just a little spooky in the far end arena corners. Nothing new there. Debbie was also riding around, just walking on Danseur, so she had her back turned, the first time. Meritage, out of no where, leaped forward bucked once, and then decided to canter. I just rode it out and cantered her in a circle. Got her back down and then went along our merry way. Well, the next time was not so happy. She did the same thing (this time Debbie saw) bucked more, bucked harder, until it was like I was riding a bucking bronc. I sat it, and got her calmed down. Debbie was just like, ok let's lunge her. So, the rest of my lesson was spent lunging her, watching her run around in crazy circles, and then cooling her out. Not the lesson that I envisioned, but it was definitely interesting. At least it wasn't just with me, she did it the next day as well. Phew.

This week's lesson she put me back on Tiffany, since Bridget was away again. It was a pretty uneventful lesson, compared to the week before. Worked on half pass, traverre, square corners, leg yielding. It was a tough lesson for my body, I was feeling pretty tired before and after my lesson. Plus, my knee was hurting something fierce too. Damn weather making it act up again!

I wonder what will happen next week!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Via Tumblr.
Creeping around Tumblr, I decided to Google (after looking at pictures of gorgeous handbags) Hermes, and went to their official site.

Omg. I did not know this, but they make an entire horse line (for rider and horse). Yes, I died a little inside, and even though I knew that they used horses in their ads (love them) I didn't know that they made saddles, bridles, accessories, you name it.

Yes. It is ridiculously out of my price range. But a girl can dream.


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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Lesson 11.23.11

Bridget was back riding again (woot, after how long!?) so I'm not on Tiffany anymore. Last night I rode Meritage (also a grey mare) and it was so much fun. She's not as trained as Tiffany or Gillian, but it was nice to get on a horse and just do something and not have to figure it out. No pictures (I'll try to get some next week) as no one was there to take them. She's really nice, even though she's rather inconsistent, and was rather worried about most of the corners in the arena, it was a good ride. She was dropping her head down for me, and starting to give me some frame. She works really well off my leg, and I got her doing lots of circles, direction changes, transitions, and some leg yielding.

An excellent lesson! Excited for the canter on her next week!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lesson 11.16.11

This lesson was awesome. I'm waiting on video from it, but it was amazing. Rode Tiffany, had a private lesson, and it was just... awesome. We both were just on during that ride, we worked on getting her off her shoulders, and flexing more, and in a frame and collected. And worked at the canter, and getting her balanced there. Ugh, it's just so awesome. I love riding her, and I work so hard it seems. Even though it's winter I'm still sweating like it's not. I'll post vids when I get them!

I never sweat like this while riding Western.

Mini Rant

Even though it's been awhile, I figure I should have a little bit of an update/rant. Way back in the beginning of this blog (not so many posts, but a few years) I had just finished a job with a friend, and how it had drained me (and slightly ruined my naive ideals of working with horses). Well, what I didn't mention is that for all the work I did, she has still yet to pay me everything in full. I had no problem with that, but with a recent turn of events, I've decided that I need the money.

So I messaged her on Facebook, as politely forceful as I could, asking when I could expect some money to come my way. She messaged me back with the answer of when she gets money, she'll send it my way. And the ending kicker:

"Or, if you want, you can take a horse."
Pardonez-moi? I was so flabbergasted, shocked, speechless at that comment, I replied back with, "You got rid of the horse I wanted. Thanks." Not my finest moment perhaps, but really?! After you sell Peter, (my baby) and don't tell me for months, you offer me a horse in exchange for payment? No thanks, I'd rather have my money.

Sigh. Am I being unreasonable?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lesson 11.09.11

Not the best quality, but hard to get!
Thankfully this lesson was much better than last week. I rode Tiffany again, Bridget was still out of commission but at least she was able to show up and watch.
Tiffany was in a much better mindset, it was easier to get her to listen and pay attention, and it was so good. Hard work obviously, but really, really good. I was working on getting her to compress her movement, but that she still had the power behind it. It was pretty amazing to feel, I had it for a few strides before giving her a break. It was so awesome, I've never felt something like that before, controlled power. Quite fantastic. It definitely makes her way more responsive, even though I still can't get a canter because she throws her shoulder into it, but I think that this is a start.

I feel like if I can get control of her body, that will just come more and more naturally. I'm so excited!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Speed of light! Cantering.

A leisurely walk...

Woot Circles!
I finally got the pictures of my lesson a couple weeks ago off of Andrew's phone. So here are a few! Sorry about the poor quality. Will try to get some better ones later on.

Greenhawk Warehouse Sale!

Wooot. Best time of the year. The Greenhawk Warehouse sale! I have a huge list this year, now that I'm back in the lesson/horse world, and switched disciplines. I have a need for more things.

I got some great deals. I went after work on the Friday, and got new breeches, halfchaps, gloves, socks, and some stuff for the dog. It was great. Saved a lot of money!! I wish I could have bought new boots, but I really don't need them.

I bumped into an old friend there as well, it was nice to be able to catch up with her as well. I talked to her for a good 20 minutes at least. She was working and just helping out. We talked about what we were doing, what was new in the horse world, etc. It was great to see her.

Gotta love random encounters! I think that was the fastest Greenhawk sale I've been too, in and out. I knew what I was after, and it didn't take me long to find it!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bawling My Eyes Out

I just found out the worst news.

The horse... Pete, in the pic above. Has been sold. And I wasn't told until today... 3 months later. I'm just in shock, and spent most of the night crying.

Worst night ever.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Finally Updating Here

Ok, so I lied a little bit. I am back though. I'm really going to try and keep up with this one. It's not that hard, I ride once a week. I just have to post after my lesson. Easy Peasy. Sigh.

Anyways. Lessons. Things have been going really, really well. I'm loving my lessons. Even though they are probably the hardest work I've ever had to do with riding, it's the best. It's just pure accomplishment.

Bridget has been MIA the past couple of weeks, so I've had quite a few private lessons, which are awesome. I love riding with Bridget, but having an occasional private is totally awesome. Although, her not riding for a couple weeks won't be a benefit to her.

When Bridget is in the lesson with me, I ride Gillian. Yup, back on Gillian. Which shockingly I'm enjoying. She still frustrates the crap out of me, but I'm starting to push back a little. Not letting her bully me anymore. Sure, she still gets away from me sometimes, but then I make her work harder. And then I get her amazing. And I get a feel of what she should/could/would do for me, if I could only get her like that from the beginning, and not just the last 20 mins of my lesson. She's making me work harder, and totally change my riding habits. Totally awesome, and totally worth it. I've never felt soo happy when I get something right with her.

When Bridget isn't in lesson with me, I ride Tiffany. Who is sooo so soo cute. A little more... nervous than Gillian, but still brilliant. I work on cantering with her more than Gillian, so it's nice for that little break sometimes. She makes me work hard too. It's a lot of fun on her though, less stressful in a way. I don't always have to be on top of her, two steps ahead, and I can still get results. And results are always good. Although, the last two lessons on her have been more difficult because the weather has been seriously bad. Heavy, heavy rainfall and so she had more trouble concentrating, and gets really... hot. She's a little harder to get to pay attention, and last Wednesday, even I was having trouble concentrating. We still did really well, but it was just too much happening between the rain, and multiple people in the arena (I rode in the earlier lesson with Adriana, Tina was away as well). It was just a lot of commotion. It was fun because we were doing small pattern-type exercises. Throwing more movements together, even if they are just small ones: Leg yield, circles at a walk and a trot. But it's the fact that you want her collected, in a frame, and moving well. So much harder than it sounds.

I finally have internet up at home, so I'll be able to edit and post some videos of me riding up! Andrew has the majority of them, but I'll see what I can do!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm Back!

I have videos that I'll be posting hopefully within the next week. Computer internet at home is down, so might be a little longer than that, but I'm excited to showcase some videos of me riding!!

I've never done this before!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Catch up!

My bad, I've been super bad at this one.

Lessons have been going ah-may-zingly. I've had a couple private lessons, and my last lesson was back on Gillian because Max was injured (he got stung by a bee, and then rubbed it, and it became a gaping sore, poor boy). And Oh-Em-Gee. It was amazing. The best lesson I've ever had on that mare. She was listening to me, I wasn't in a corner. I got her to collect a bit. It was amazing. And so cool to see because that means that I've come a ways in my riding. Woot for getting better! It's always nice to have some little tests to see.

I was back on Max the next week, and I had a private lesson because B was away. He's so good. I'm working on speed control, and collection. We cantered this week too, and worked on getting him calm afterwards. You'd think he'd never ran in his entire life the way he was racing around.That seems to be one of our biggest issues, is controlling his speed. He's getting better, but it's still one of the things that I'm seriously working on, that and his flexibility. We had a couple private lessons which were amazing. By the second private lesson he was sooo good. It was nice not to have to worry about where people were in the arena, and have to worry about him running towards Tiffany. We actually got him with really good flexion and frame. And a good speed! It was sooo rewarding.

Last week's lesson I was off. It was so bad. The weather's been really hot and that night was no exception. He was just like... No. F*** this. And wasn't working with me at all. It was disappointing and frustrating, but I do have to say that I probably was right there with him, and not trying as hard as I should have. My knee hurt and the brace didn't really do anything except make things a little worse. Regardless, this week made up for it. It was a bigger group lesson because the women usually before us were running late. I didn't mind, I like those women a lot, and one of them I really aspire to be like when I get to that age... But I digress. They were in our lesson last night and it was completely awesome. We did a whole bunch of exercises on the rail, and then serpentines, and then we individually cantered. That was probably the hardest part of last night. He tried to run away on me again, and I was having none of that. The ladies after were like, wow Jasmine, you were all business! You ride him so well, we were saying that you should think about showing him dressage. You look so good on him, and you get him to do things that I've seen no one else do with him. Which obviously made me really happy about that. I like knowing that I'm at least getting somewhere with the beast. But I love him.

I'll try to keep on top of this one again!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chris Von Martel

Woot. I've been really bad about updating this blog. It's been awhile, and I've been riding like a fiend. And by fiend, I mean in my weekly lesson.

Ok I'll do a quick recap of what's been happening in my weekly lessons. Last two weeks I've had privates because B had work related engagements that couldn't be missed. It was amazing. My mom finally met Debbie, and got to see me ride. She hasn't seen me ride since we were last at Diane's. **which I still need to finish posting about... Sigh.** And she has never seen me ride dressage. So it was nice to be able to go up with her. I rode Max, and he was so good. He's so old, but it's amazing. Definite improvement from each lesson. Debbie was funny, because she was like "Oh the girl who rides him on Thursdays loves it when you ride him. He's a little easier for her." Totally awesome compliment to my riding ability! So we were mainly working on getting him more collected and in a frame, and making him more supple. Max is so stiff sometimes! It takes me almost my whole lesson to get it together but then when I do, it's amazing. I got him to do an actual leg yield. That felt right. I was so excited about that. And I was glad that my mom was there to see it.

So that's my recap, and now onto the dressage clinic that I audited this past weekend. Chris Von Martel was the clinician, and he was a) a lot younger than I expected *and cute* and b) really good. It was really neat because I got to watch Debbie and other students ride, and then he rode and I got to see him ride. The only thing was that sitting down from 9 - 3 is SO uncomfortable. I moved around a bit, but being tired and uncomfortable does not make for a good combo. It was neat to see the things that he got  the riders to do, and how similar his teaching style was to Debbie and Barbara. It was nice to be able to see what I am supposed to be aiming for, instead of just blindly going.

A video of his riding.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Spring is in the air, and in the barn. The horses are shedding like mad. And by horses I mean the horse that I ride is shedding like crazy. I finish grooming him and I am covered in hair. He's a palamino too, so it's all really light coloured hairs, which show up on everything. I need to be brushed off before I can get into the car to go home!

Last night's lesson, was amazing. I'm totally loving riding Max. Such a cutie pony!! Reminds me a lot of Peter. So adorable. He's such an old man, but he's getting back into shape. Slowly but surely! I miss riding Tiffany, but Max just has such spunk about him. He's a little old man Quarter horse. It just clicked. He was on, I was on and we were working together. He was flexing, and I was using my whole body to make him work. It was amazing. Pure bliss.

The reason that I enjoy and love riding.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another Cancelled...

Sigh. I'm not doing so well this winter!

Another lesson cancelled due to weather, spring freak winter storms!! Can't handle them!

Until next week,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Knees Turn to Jelly

I was all ready to ride Gillian. Not looking forward to it, persay, mainly because yesterday was a bitch-ass day, and not in the good way. So expect my surprise when I get there, Gillian had just finished being ridden and I had the CHOICE to ride either Gillian or Max. I chose Max. I was like, "Today is just not a Gillian day." Fighting with Max is a completely whole other ballgame.
And one that I can win easier.
And not get as frustrated.
We stuck with simple stuff, getting him to listen to me first off. Which is fine, because he listens until he just tries to go where he wants to. So you put him in his place with a quiet "discussion". Once you get him there, he's like gold. Light on the reins, moving off leg and body, perfect. He's a little out of shape so he's not perfection yet, but he still has it there. Under the covers. Definitely doesn't act his age.
It's amazing when you can apply pressure in one area in a certain way, you can feel him move. And where you want him to move.
I'm slowly getting used to using more of my knee to make them do what I want them to do. It's insane. My legs are like jelly once my lesson is over. I never used my knees in Western other than to not make them stick out. I feel like my body position is all over the place, but when I actually use my knee, it really does work. I just have to be more consistent with it. I had him working on leg yield, shoulder fore, and shoulder in. Plus circles. He was a little bit of a bugger in the beginning, he actually kicked out with me on him, but it was so non-threatening that I was more worried that he would hit Debbie.
My knees are paying for it this morning... I need to start doing more stretches and exercises to make me less... out of shape.

Until next week,

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pictures That I Owe

Gillian :) 



Thursday, March 10, 2011

The True TESTament of My Ability

Last night's lesson... was eventful.

I wasn't sure who I was going to be riding, but I was fairly certain that it would be Max (picture still to come). But there was nothing on the board, and the weather was pretty bad, but B and I perservered this time. Debbie drops the bomb.

I'm riding... Gillian.

Sigh. At least she's inside right? I really try to like this mare. I was happy in the cross ties, I was happy getting on her, I was exuding happy thoughts. But this mare, she's just so... mare-ish. We were walking around just fine, and then I asked her for a trot and she's gone. Doing tiny circles in the middle of the arena (at least we weren't stuck in the corner..). So Debbie gives me a whip to help Gillian keep her left shoulder up, and omg. Did that ever work. Not fool proof, because she took off at a raring-to-go trot that I had a hard time stopping... I finally got her on a circle, and Debbie was helping me out. One way (to the left), I got it. It was amazing. I had her moving off my leg and body, and she was stretching out towards the contact, and I was able to relax and be light. But.. to the right. She would go ok for awhile and then decide to duck out on me. And take me all the way to the other end of the arena. This horse, she is FAST. I think the fastest horse I've ever been on. It's not just that she has speed, she also has this MONSTER stride that just eats up ground. I have zero reaction time. By the time the 3-second reaction time ends, she's already at the end of the arena and you're left wondering how you got there. Especially when she decides to canter to get there. Needless to say, I think I got one good circle before she decided to take off on me.

The other part of my lesson was that because it was raining and warming up a little, the snow on the roof kept falling off. Which kept freaking her out. So she had one good take off (which I managed to get under control faster than I could any other one) and a little smaller one. The middle of the arena also had some trot poles and the tiniest jump ever. Barely a foot. Well, guess who got to jump over that beast? Yup. Me. I managed to avoid it twice before I caved. The first time, I made her go over the trot poles instead. The second time, we missed the trot poles and she tripped/jumped a block. The third time, it was either jump or crash into it. I decided that we should jump it. I believe that as I made that decision, I said "Oh for the fucking love of God" *jump* (B afterwards said that this was hilarious because she heard it... She heard most of what I *thought* I was muttering under my breath... aka cursing at Gillian.) After that jump she kept trying to do it all the time, but I managed to get her to listen to me enough that we didn't try again. It was a definite work out. As I write this, I can feel my back ache and my core feels weak with exhaustion. Just another day after a lesson. My shoulders are all tight, and achey and I definitely didn't get enough sleep last night. To any random person who doesn't ride, this probably sounds like torture. Or at least enough pain to ask "Why does she put herself through that?" The main answer? It's a love. And it's rewarding as hell when you can actually get the horse to co-operate with you. When you both are working together and as one. Plus it's one hell of a work out. I've never worked so hard with my body while riding as I do with dressage. It's like people who run, or like pumping weights. I don't get it, but to each their own right?

At least I'm learning. As Debbie says, Gillian is the best teacher for teaching you to be light on the reins. If only it was easier... But riding Gillian will at least give me an interesting blog post every week.

Til next week,

Back to QH Geldings?

Agghh.. I'm a little bit late in writing this, considering it's pushing it close to my next lesson... which will be tomorrow. But I guess better late then never?

Last week's lesson was interesting, to say the least. Little Tiffany is "on holidays" due to the fact that she has girth sores. So I got the honourable pleasure of riding Max. A cute little palamino QH gelding who was originally trained Western, but now does dressage. He is 17 years old, and she's slowly weaning him out of retirement from the school ring, and getting him back in shape for the summer when Jim starts riding him on the trails.

Since he hasn't been in the riding ring for many a moon since he was taking advantage of students, he was a mixed bag of feelings for me. Not truly angry that he had to work, but had the attitude of one that hasn't been made to work in a long time, and he liked it that way. But he also liked going, regardless of his current fitness level. It was an interesting start to the lesson. He was very pushy in the aisles, but nothing that I can't handle. We get on, and I'm walking around, and he keeps taking me into the corner where his buddy and his stall are. Oh no no no. We are NOT spending this lesson in the corner. I have spent my fair share and I'm better and more balanced then I was when I started.

We talked.
We discussed.
In the end, he decided that my way was happier.

He fought my decision, decided to see if he could scare me into caving. He was a little pissy. A couple times I thought he was seriously debating whether it would be worth it to throw me off. He didn't. He made the right decision. But he made me work for it. I decided to make him work at a trot, since he wanted to go fast, and on a circle away from his little buddy. The 3 women in the lesson before us, were just talking and watching, and they started shouting out to me. "Jasmine, make that little pony slow down!" and then he went into a canter, and one woman I heard her say "Ohh what a little doucher!". It made me smile but I was concentrating pretty hard. Once he realized that I was making him work, he seemed to chill (just a little bit). But he would occasionally test me throughout the rest of the lesson. I have a feeling that Debbie liked how I worked with him and how I handled him, so I think that I might be on him more often... Even if Tiffany comes out of her holiday.

We didn't really work on anything in specific, just some circles, serpentines, and some lateral movement. Mostly it was because Max couldn't really do too much being so out of shape. Even if he had lots of energy.

The Barn Holiday party!! I forgot to talk about it! It was so. much. fun. I went with Bridget, and Mom couldn't take the day off, so it was just us two. We were kind of awkward once we first got there, mainly because a lot of the people there all knew each other because they were all related in some way. Once more "barn people" started showing up it was amazing. The women there are so inspiring, especially for me being my age. Most are late 20's - early 30's, have careers, have horses, their own places. It's what I want for myself. They are hilarious, and even though they can afford their own horses it's not rubbed in your face and it doesn't stop them from talking to you. Super friendly barn. The best part is that there isn't that gossipy-back stabbing feel from the barn. Every one is truly happy with where they are, the coach, the treatment of their horses, etc. It's a nice change from most barns. I met another girl (woman...) who rides Tiffany as well, and we bonded over that, and she just recently got married. It was interesting because this was the first barn party that actually had alcohol. And people actually drank. It was pretty sweet. I didn't, but that's just me. It was finally nice to see people that Debbie's always talking about, and to talk about other things than horses.

This one was pretty long, more tomorrow!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Private Lesson

Oh man. It was soo good.

B was sick, so she didn't ride, but she still came up and watched. Which is a good thing because a) she gave me a ride :P and b) she still learned stuff! Plus it's always nice to be able to watch and see what something is supposed to look like (or try to look like).

It felt so weird to be in the arena all by myself. It made it seem so much bigger than normal! I was riding Tiffany again (who knew that I would love a mare so darn much. She's adorable) and we were working on getting her collected and in a frame. Which is really difficult. It's funny because we were working on the canter, and it was so good. Debbie commented on the fact that when I canter I'm so much more together. My outside rein is consistent and my inside rein gives and takes. I have give in my own elbows, and it's just better than the trot, where I'm constantly losing what I try to do. She said that that's usually the opposite of what people do and are comfortable with. I think it's because at the trot there's just so much more going on. I'm bouncing more, I have a harder time keeping my reins even and she's not as rhythmical at the trot as she is at the canter. Plus I think that the canter is the same as the Western lope and jog because I don't have to think about anything other than frame. I don't have to worry about posting and losing whatever frame I get when I post. But I was able to keep the canter for more than half a circle which is good, and I've been working on my transitions from walk-trot-canter.

It was a good hard lesson. We had a short little break after cantering so Tiff could catch her breath back, and then we started trotting again, and working to get the frame back and have her relax into it, and not resist me. So we started doing transitions and leg yielding. Leg yielding feels so strange for me, I have to fight my own body to resist using a rein of opposition while doing it. So bad. I just have to keep in mind that even though my body feels twisted beyond belief and it feels SO wrong, it doesn't look as bad as it feels. B said that it looked cool and had the look of what is to come. I think because in Western, it's so not as big, and more straight that it feels so off to me. I think dressage horses lead a little more with their shoulders just so that they can get the big stride lateral instead of the tiny little ones that western horses take.

Dressage Leg Yield

Western Leg Yield

Until next week, the Holiday Barn party is this weekend!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Good but Tiring

Last night's lesson wasn't my greatest, but it was still better than I've had before.

When Debbie asked how we were tonight, both B and I were very lazy. Although we both had very good reasons: I was sick, B's knee hurt. I got a cold again, with cough, sore throat and runny nose. Yay for head colds. B spent 13 hours this weekend in tall spiky heels dancing (her daughter's wedding) so she strained her knee.

No cantering in today's lesson, Debbie said that I shouldn't get sweaty and catch a chill. So we did trot circles, serpentines and worked on our upward and downward transitions. Walk to trot, trot to walk. It was really good. I was getting her to not fall so much on her forehand when coming into the downward transition. I had no energy due to my cold really beating on me, so it was hard for me to drive her into the bridle.

B on the other hand, had an amazing lesson!! She's on a big mare named Jazzy who's not completely finished as a dressage horse yet, but she loves it cuz Jazzy's BIG. B loves her big draft horses with lots of hair. She is a pretty horse, but she has that attitude of "You can't make me do anything I don't want to do" (Big horse mentality). Jazzy's issue is that she's not quite sure she wants to do everything that we want her to do yet. She's been left to her own devices for a while so she's rebelling. This week, B didn't let her. She put her in her place and Jazzy was so shocked, that she didn't even try to not listen. It was really good for both of them.

Next week, hopefully I'm in tip-top shape, and ready to tackle dressage anew. Plus, the barn's Holiday party is coming up next week!! I'm super excited.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winter Blues & 2012

It's amazing how quickly one's body hates you after exercise. My body is so sore, it's almost like I haven't ridden in years, not just missed one lesson.

Last night's lesson was intense. All my lessons are intense, but they're getting increasingly so. I'm getting not so much into harder stuff, or more complicated, I'm just having to USE more of my own energy to help motivate and drive Tiffany into her collection. We were working on 20 metre circles, and how to measure one. I've never had to learn that before, as in Western we aren't as exact with our circles. Large and Small circles. Not 10m or 20m. It was really cool to learn. Dressage also has more letters on the wall than Western, which takes some getting used too. Debbie's always like ok at P... and I have to look to see where the hell P is. So as we are working on collection, at a 20m circle, and making square corners, I'm also trying not to slowly fall apart as my energy starts failing. It's hard work, moving your core, keeping it tight. It really works to help keep the horse together, and it'll give me amazing abs. My thighs, they burn, but in a good way. I probably shouldn't have worn heels to work on a Wednesday because all through my lesson my toes kept cramping up. Very unusual feeling. It's like you have no control and your foot feels like it's stuck in the stirrups.

It's an amazing feeling when your horse starts to get it and work on it's own. By the end of the lesson, I had her doing some amazing circles, collected, flexing to the inside, and it's just like "Wow, this feels (almost) effortless". It took effort to get there, but once there, she's holding the frame, and your just driving her forward. I hate missing a lesson because I love that feeling. The feeling of accomplishment. Not to mention even though it was -20 outside last night, I was sweating. It was a great feeling to know that I can actually get a work up and build a sweat. In Western, I do have to say that unless it was ridiculously hot outside, I never actually felt like I was working hard every lesson. Sometimes, yeah. But every lesson? Not at all. I never in the winter would work enough to make my toes hot. Yeah, toes. I always had to wear double socks. Now? One pair. No long johns. It's crazy. **I am wearing winter boots and breeches, so I'm getting extra warmth that way.

Also, the barn cat had 2 kittens, and they look exactly like her: super cute, all white, and super blue eyes. Also they don't like their pictures being taken, they walk away! Sigh. I tried my best with these pictures, also with my phone that has no flash. There are only 2 kittens, it just looks like four because of the mirror!

On a slightly different note, it's very exciting because there are lots of cool "horse" stuff happening in the next coming year. Mirvish has released their 2011/2012 theatre season and there is a horse related production coming in February 2012! War Horse, is coming to Toronto. I'm very, very excited about it. It looks fantastic, and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to cry like a baby throughout the entire thing. Another thing that might be coming to Toronto is Cavalia 2! That should be amazing, just like the first one. I will definitely go see that, as now I have a new appreciation for the dressage work that they do.

War Horse preview!

Planning ahead to 2012,

Monday, February 7, 2011

Another Cancellation...

Sigh. This time though, I can blame the damn weather. We had a snowstorm that put the whole city of Toronto and the GTA in alert. Even though people didn't think it was that bad, there were a lot of cars that ended up in the ditch. I talked to Debbie and she said that we would plan a make up lesson.

Damn weather! What can you expect for January in Ontario?


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Keep On Rising, Amazing Lesson #2

The lessons just keep getting better and better.

I may have missed last weeks lesson, but man, I think I'm better for it. I was on fire last night. Literally and figuratively as well. I wore all my new winter clothes, and was so warm. Totally worth the huge spending that I dropped in Greenhawk 2 weeks ago. My legs were warm without long johns, and my TOES. They were warm without two pairs of socks on. Shocking, I know. Granted the weather wasn't at it's all time low (-20) but at a gentle low of -6. That I can handle. I rode Tiffany again. I'm so not wanting her to get sold. I will cry if she does, because she's amazing and I can deal with her. We work together amazingly.

There are moments when she gets tense. Debbie (my coach) was talking to me about it. The girl who's interesting in purchasing her asked her why she's saying that Tiffany is "an intermediate" horse. She was telling me that it's because when Tiff isn't 100% sure what the rider wants, or if it's not going accordingly to how she thinks it's supposed to go, then she gets tense. Which brings on a major case of the wiggles, and over anticipation. I counteract that with just doing something else. Going back to slow. Walk to trot transitions instead of trot to canter. Serpentines. Circles. Leg yields. It was an amazing lesson. I was doing trot leg yields to the wall and then cantering out of them. My transitions are getting so much better. There are moments when going a certain direction that I know that I'm the one doing things wrong, not having enough support on the outside to counteract her wiggles, so then she falls apart. And won't be able to pick up the correct lead. Although, she makes it tough because she LOVES to counter-canter. I've never known a horse to love it so much that she won't change and does a serpentine on the one lead. And nicely too. She's so cute to ride. I think that she'll be able to teach me how to do flying lead changes (if she's around that long). I sincerely hope that she will be.

Until next week,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Lesson...


I know. I hate it when I miss lessons, but B had a huge headache and was unable to drive me or herself up to the barn. She left it at such short notice that my parents couldn't drive me either. Sigh. Such is life when I don't drive myself.

It's kind of disappointing because I was ready to wear all my new winter clothes and try them all out that night!

Such is life. She seems to have passed her headache on to me...
Better luck for next week!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winter Costs...

Oh man. Greenhawk, you sly mistress. Sucking me in with deals and clearance, only to have me walking out with $400 worth of more horse stuff.

Why must horse gear be so EXPENSIVE?!

New boots, new pants, new socks, new sweater. New outfit. And a boot jack.

No more clothes for me. But they're all for winter, so not likely that I'll need to repurchase anytime soon.

Thank Heavens.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Think I'm Starting to Get This...

This week's lesson was great. I feel myself just getting better and better.

The first week of January's lesson, I just wasn't on. I was having seriously technical difficulties with my left side, not just my hand. Kept letting my outside aids fall to the wayside. So she kept getting away from me in her collection. I wasn't connected to my core so she was kind of all over the place because I was all over the place. The reference my coach uses for what my outside rein should be like is that it's like a tight rope, and there's a little man trying to walk it. If it bounces, your little man will fall off (which is not what you want). It means that your contact with her outside is not constant. That lesson, every time I looked down to check, there was my rein, bouncing all over the place. I couldn't feel that my hand was letting the reins slip or anything. I think that was the most frustrating thing. I couldn't feel my hand and what it was doing. I thought that it was ok when it wasn't.

This week's lesson I worked on my canter. Canter serpentines! It was really cool, I'd never actually done them before. Tiffany is so pro. Sadly, someone emailed about her the other day, so I might be out of another horse. On the up side, my coach said that she'd get the girl to come out on a Wednesday when I ride to showcase her. FML. So much pressure!!! Maybe I'll get Tiz to come out and tape me as well. =D that'd be pretty epic.

Canter serpentines... Just not flying lead changes in between :)