Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mini Rant

Even though it's been awhile, I figure I should have a little bit of an update/rant. Way back in the beginning of this blog (not so many posts, but a few years) I had just finished a job with a friend, and how it had drained me (and slightly ruined my naive ideals of working with horses). Well, what I didn't mention is that for all the work I did, she has still yet to pay me everything in full. I had no problem with that, but with a recent turn of events, I've decided that I need the money.

So I messaged her on Facebook, as politely forceful as I could, asking when I could expect some money to come my way. She messaged me back with the answer of when she gets money, she'll send it my way. And the ending kicker:

"Or, if you want, you can take a horse."
Pardonez-moi? I was so flabbergasted, shocked, speechless at that comment, I replied back with, "You got rid of the horse I wanted. Thanks." Not my finest moment perhaps, but really?! After you sell Peter, (my baby) and don't tell me for months, you offer me a horse in exchange for payment? No thanks, I'd rather have my money.

Sigh. Am I being unreasonable?

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