Thursday, March 17, 2011

Knees Turn to Jelly

I was all ready to ride Gillian. Not looking forward to it, persay, mainly because yesterday was a bitch-ass day, and not in the good way. So expect my surprise when I get there, Gillian had just finished being ridden and I had the CHOICE to ride either Gillian or Max. I chose Max. I was like, "Today is just not a Gillian day." Fighting with Max is a completely whole other ballgame.
And one that I can win easier.
And not get as frustrated.
We stuck with simple stuff, getting him to listen to me first off. Which is fine, because he listens until he just tries to go where he wants to. So you put him in his place with a quiet "discussion". Once you get him there, he's like gold. Light on the reins, moving off leg and body, perfect. He's a little out of shape so he's not perfection yet, but he still has it there. Under the covers. Definitely doesn't act his age.
It's amazing when you can apply pressure in one area in a certain way, you can feel him move. And where you want him to move.
I'm slowly getting used to using more of my knee to make them do what I want them to do. It's insane. My legs are like jelly once my lesson is over. I never used my knees in Western other than to not make them stick out. I feel like my body position is all over the place, but when I actually use my knee, it really does work. I just have to be more consistent with it. I had him working on leg yield, shoulder fore, and shoulder in. Plus circles. He was a little bit of a bugger in the beginning, he actually kicked out with me on him, but it was so non-threatening that I was more worried that he would hit Debbie.
My knees are paying for it this morning... I need to start doing more stretches and exercises to make me less... out of shape.

Until next week,

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