Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lesson 11.09.11

Not the best quality, but hard to get!
Thankfully this lesson was much better than last week. I rode Tiffany again, Bridget was still out of commission but at least she was able to show up and watch.
Tiffany was in a much better mindset, it was easier to get her to listen and pay attention, and it was so good. Hard work obviously, but really, really good. I was working on getting her to compress her movement, but that she still had the power behind it. It was pretty amazing to feel, I had it for a few strides before giving her a break. It was so awesome, I've never felt something like that before, controlled power. Quite fantastic. It definitely makes her way more responsive, even though I still can't get a canter because she throws her shoulder into it, but I think that this is a start.

I feel like if I can get control of her body, that will just come more and more naturally. I'm so excited!!

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