Friday, November 25, 2011


Via Tumblr.
Creeping around Tumblr, I decided to Google (after looking at pictures of gorgeous handbags) Hermes, and went to their official site.

Omg. I did not know this, but they make an entire horse line (for rider and horse). Yes, I died a little inside, and even though I knew that they used horses in their ads (love them) I didn't know that they made saddles, bridles, accessories, you name it.

Yes. It is ridiculously out of my price range. But a girl can dream.


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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Lesson 11.23.11

Bridget was back riding again (woot, after how long!?) so I'm not on Tiffany anymore. Last night I rode Meritage (also a grey mare) and it was so much fun. She's not as trained as Tiffany or Gillian, but it was nice to get on a horse and just do something and not have to figure it out. No pictures (I'll try to get some next week) as no one was there to take them. She's really nice, even though she's rather inconsistent, and was rather worried about most of the corners in the arena, it was a good ride. She was dropping her head down for me, and starting to give me some frame. She works really well off my leg, and I got her doing lots of circles, direction changes, transitions, and some leg yielding.

An excellent lesson! Excited for the canter on her next week!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lesson 11.16.11

This lesson was awesome. I'm waiting on video from it, but it was amazing. Rode Tiffany, had a private lesson, and it was just... awesome. We both were just on during that ride, we worked on getting her off her shoulders, and flexing more, and in a frame and collected. And worked at the canter, and getting her balanced there. Ugh, it's just so awesome. I love riding her, and I work so hard it seems. Even though it's winter I'm still sweating like it's not. I'll post vids when I get them!

I never sweat like this while riding Western.

Mini Rant

Even though it's been awhile, I figure I should have a little bit of an update/rant. Way back in the beginning of this blog (not so many posts, but a few years) I had just finished a job with a friend, and how it had drained me (and slightly ruined my naive ideals of working with horses). Well, what I didn't mention is that for all the work I did, she has still yet to pay me everything in full. I had no problem with that, but with a recent turn of events, I've decided that I need the money.

So I messaged her on Facebook, as politely forceful as I could, asking when I could expect some money to come my way. She messaged me back with the answer of when she gets money, she'll send it my way. And the ending kicker:

"Or, if you want, you can take a horse."
Pardonez-moi? I was so flabbergasted, shocked, speechless at that comment, I replied back with, "You got rid of the horse I wanted. Thanks." Not my finest moment perhaps, but really?! After you sell Peter, (my baby) and don't tell me for months, you offer me a horse in exchange for payment? No thanks, I'd rather have my money.

Sigh. Am I being unreasonable?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lesson 11.09.11

Not the best quality, but hard to get!
Thankfully this lesson was much better than last week. I rode Tiffany again, Bridget was still out of commission but at least she was able to show up and watch.
Tiffany was in a much better mindset, it was easier to get her to listen and pay attention, and it was so good. Hard work obviously, but really, really good. I was working on getting her to compress her movement, but that she still had the power behind it. It was pretty amazing to feel, I had it for a few strides before giving her a break. It was so awesome, I've never felt something like that before, controlled power. Quite fantastic. It definitely makes her way more responsive, even though I still can't get a canter because she throws her shoulder into it, but I think that this is a start.

I feel like if I can get control of her body, that will just come more and more naturally. I'm so excited!!