Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Kind of Reunion

Well. It's been awhile and I have soo much that's new!

1. I'm riding again!! /B and I have started up dressage, at Equestrian Dreams riding facility and are absolutely loving it. I had a rough lesson last week as I have come to realize that I'm not going to bounce back as quick as I thought. I could not for the life of me get my horse to lope My bad, canter). I love the horse that I'm riding, it's this big Clyde/TB cross and he's gorgeous. BAY! My kinda pony. He's a little younger than general lesson horses, and I'm so not used to the crazy amount of leg I need to use. Granted I have been off for a year, but I'm not used to it. Very frustrating moment when my body wouldn't do what my mind was telling it to do. GRAH is all that went through my mind. I was beating myself up in my mind. All I can do is hope for a better lesson next week. *fingers crossed*

2. My mom and I went out for dinner with a couple ladies that I haven't seen in what seems like ages (possibly a year or more now) and got to catch up with them. It was wonderful! I didn't realize how much I had missed them until I saw them again. It was another mother/daughter combo and the daughter is a year younger than me and going through university to become a large animal vet. Kudos to her, I say. I could never do that length of schooling and still be sane. She always was the brains in our operation though. Her mom always makes me want to become a librarian. She is one, and it just seems so cool. It's always been a back up of mine. Books, and stern looks? I've got those down to an art! Maybe if I need a change when I'm a little bit older and more mature? There are always options and doors!

But now I need to go to bed, so

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