Friday, December 31, 2010

Lesson #??

Oh man. I've been so negligent with all my blogs but this one in particular. I've been so lazy with uploading pictures to my computer, I'm now on "vacation" (more like holidays) so I think I will be uploading and blogging like crazy. Taking pictures like crazy.

I have a crazy idea. I don't know if I'll be able to do it for awhile. But I would love to be able to videotape my riding lessons and post them up here. Or at least bits of it. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Maybe I'll get the boyfriend out one day to tape me.

Lessons are going really well. I'm on a different horse again, but I think I've found my match. :) He's a Morgan-Arabian cross (which I'm not a huge fan of, generally) but he's super cute. He's super tiny but he's all power *cough Morgan cough* I've ridden him 3 times now. He's super cute! He was a little spooky last week, but nothing unmanageable. He has a nice canter, haha. He's so comfortable, and he's fun. He makes learning dressage fun. =D


Isn't he cute?